Saturday, February 25, 2012

Game And Sports Good For Health

In modern age, game and sports occupy an important place in our system of education and in our national life. They are considered less important than the study of books in any of education.
Game are of two kinds, out door and indoor .football, cricket, hokey, tennis, badminton, golf, volley-ball, and such other games that are played in open fields are called outdoor games. Cards, dice, carom board, chess, ping-pong and such other games that are played inside a room, are called indoor games.
The outdoor games give a good exercise to our limbs and strength and vigor to our muscles. The player of football has to do a lot of running with the ball, kicking at it all time this game is played. The player of cricket also has to do a lot of running and hit hard at the ball with their bats. This game thus gives strength to the hands and the legs. The player of hockey also has to run all over the wide the hockey sticks in the hands and strike at the ball with them. This game also exercises both the legs and the hands. This is also the game of badminton and tennis.
The indoor games do not cause the same movement of the limbs or the muscles of the players as the outdoor games do. But they sharpen their wit and add to the power of brain. The players of indoor games turn very clever and skillful.
It may however, be said that outdoor games can help more in building up the body and character than the indoor games can. Indoor games also have their utility. Yet, young men and children will if they take more of outdoor games than indoor games.